Snapshot: Well-child visits in North Carolina & the high costs of missing them

Published: July 25, 2024

About Well-child visits in North Carolina

In North Carolina, NC Medicaid provides healthcare coverage to over 1.3 million infants and children, ages 0-18. NC Medicaid has historically performed above the national average of 56.8% in well-child visits in the first 15 months of life, with 62.30% of eligible children meeting the recommended number of visits in 2022. NC Medicaid has been comparable to the national average with 66.75% of eligible children between 15-30 months of life receiving the recommended number of visits. Even while meeting or slightly exceeding the national averages, there remains room for improvement, in line with the goal that all children receive the preventive care they need.


The high costs associated with missed well-child visits

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 13 well-child visits before the age of six because this schedule is associated with fewer hospitalizations and lower emergency department use. Unfortunately, on average, children miss 30% to 50% of these recommended checkups. A variety of social determinants may contribute to parents’/caregivers’ ability to get children to these crucial visits, including lack of transportation, inability to take time off from work, and inadequate childcare. Missing well-child visits contributes to higher rates of emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and delays in diagnosing developmental disorders.

Preventive care is key to babies’ and children’s health

Well-child visits provide opportunities for immunizations and screenings, and evaluate physical, emotional and social development. If early interventions are indicated for speech, fine motor, gross motor, or physical issues, the first three years of life are the time when these interventions are most effective. Consistent well-child visit attendance results in building trust with both parents and patients. In addition to identifying and treating disease, providers offer parenting guidance, help enforce healthy habits, and answer questions about child development and specific challenges.

Key facets of a pediatric well visit

As part of a well-child visit, providers:

  • Conduct age-appropriate screenings and assessments
  • Perform age-appropriate physical exam
  • Assess and document height, weight and BMI

Interested in Value-based Care in North Carolina?

Equality Health can help your practice improve well-child visit completion and efficiency

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