We are in this Together

Published: June 1, 2020

Our hearts are heavy as we grieve with the families impacted by the recent tragic deaths and a nation in despair.

Equality Health was founded on the core belief that equality for all people should be at the forefront of all facets of our society. We condemn all acts of racial violence and racism against African Americans, and the racial violence that resulted in the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery.

A history of inequalities and racism coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic and racial violence has brought our country to this pivotal moment. We support individuals peacefully protesting the ongoing disparities in wealth, access to education and healthcare, and the disparate treatment of African Americans in the criminal justice system. These systemic, institutional, social factors, and related trauma affect our community’s physical, mental, and spiritual health. We’ll keep striving to ensure health equity, social justice, and respect for all.

Whether it’s the Coronavirus or Social Justice, now is the time to focus on our needs as a unified people and a society. The Equality Health values centered on equality are designed to promote unity and collaboration, and problem-solve for how to bridge differences and respect one another. We stand in solidarity with community leaders and organizations locally and around the country championing for more equitable and inclusive communities.

We look forward to a peaceful and productive dialogue that can bring about real change, and together we will heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the coming months.

#inthistogether #equityandinclusion #supporteachother #SDOH #socialdeterminantsofhealth #publichealth #peace
We're In This Together