Telehealth Technology that Helps Take Care of your Health

Published: April 28, 2020

Technological advances in the last century have allowed humanity to accomplish things that were once thought impossible — from the ability to explore the world from the palm of your hand, to producing just about any object you can think of from a 3D printer. And of course, healthcare has benefited greatly as well.

Right now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing has become a constant. Obtaining healthcare can be a challenge as you reduce your in-person contact. For that reason, telehealth‎ has become a necessity.

Telehealth‎ Meets COVID-19

What is Telehealth‎? It’s a simple, safe and readily available option to receive healthcare services from the comfort of your home. Telehealth‎ uses popular technologies to connect with medical practitioners remotely so they can provide non-emergency medical attention. All you’ll need for your virtual visit is a mobile device or computer with video and microphone capabilities and a reliable internet connection.

Virtual care has quickly become the best option to obtain access to a healthcare professional without leaving home and without having to spend long hours in the waiting room. The good news is that Equality Care Center (ECC) now offers Telehealth service to patients throughout Arizona.‎

“A virtual consultation is much more convenient, especially during these times,” said Livia Arévalo, an ECC Nurse Practitioner. “There is no need to use transportation, miss work or look for someone to take care of the kids. A virtual consultation provides better access to medical attention and reduces the number of emergency room visits.”

Telehealth ‎can be used for medical assistance needed to control developing conditions such as diabetes, asthma, anxiety and depression as well as thyroid disorders and other ailments. Telehealth‎ cannot, however, help in critical situations such as heart attack, stroke, wounds or other emergency situations. If you experience any one of these conditions, please call 911.

“It is very important that, even during these times of social distancing, patients can continue with their treatments and monitor chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems as well as not exposing themselves to people who may be sick” stated Eva Mijares, Nurse Practitioner at Equality Care Center. “Telehealth‎ is your best option for medical care during these times of emergency due to COVID-19.”

And what about the threat of COVID-19? Telehealth is the best place to start if you think you are experiencing early symptoms. Though doctors are unable to give COVID-19 tests or a diagnosis through virtual consultations, they can determine if your symptoms require a virus detection test.

Tips to a Successful Virtual Visit

If a Telehealth visit is a good fit for your health needs, use the tips below to help make your virtual visit a success.

First, make sure the audio and video capabilities of the electronic device you plan to use are functional and working. Next, set yourself up in a quiet area of your home where you can have a private conversation.

Before your appointment, make a list of all the medications you are currently taking to share with your doctor during the virtual visit. Write down the symptoms you are experiencing and use your notes as a reference during your consultation.

Telehealth may not solve the health problems of the world, but it sure can make them much easier to treat — with or without a pandemic.

If you are interested in learning more about the Telehealth services available at ECC, visit:

Originally Published in Prensa Arizona, April 27, 2020